Poem Of The One World – Mary Oliver


Welcome to the September Poem of the Month!

Having just returned from my annual wine trip to Portugal, I have found myself pondering the many wonderful moments that I experienced walking the vineyards, tasting the wines, and talking with winemakers, colleagues and friends whose presence dotted the last week and and half.

Northern Portugal is a place steeped in history and ancient culture. While many of my previous trips were focused exclusively on the wines, this trip I decided to expand my perspective some. In addition to the ancient dusty Port lodges with their long history of trade and tradition, I also took some extra time to visit Roman ruins, some of the city’s old churches, and prehistoric rock drawings of horses, cattle and other animals in the Côa Valley, the first of which appeared sometime between 22-20,000 years B.C.

The intersection of so many pieces of history last week for me made this poem an appropriate choice for the Poem of the Month.


Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver
(1935 –  )

Poem Of The One World

This morning
the beautiful white heron
was floating along above the water

and then into the sky of this
the one world
we all belong to

where everything
sooner or later
is a part of everything else

which thought made me feel
for a little while
quite, beautiful, myself.



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